I’m going to have to keep this brief because today is the long awaited moving day! It’s finally here everyone! If you’ve been following along you might be confused because I started talking about moving into the new factory 4 weeks ago. To be honest, I’m still confused as to why it has taken so long considering we have been packed up and ready to go for a month.

Regardless of how we got here, today is the day. 

The trucks and utes are loaded and ready to go, multiple forklifts have been stationed across both locations so we can move large loads quickly and efficiently. It turns out that the only benefit of moving at this scale is we have forklifts so are dealing with pallets and not boxes.  

The weather is looking good (so no extreme fire warning which is a welcomed change this week) and it's a ‘Grandma weekend’ so Matt and I have the capacity to keep going throughout the weekend if we have to. Maybe this is why it’s taken so long - we needed a day like today!

I have this overwhelming feeling that HUCX is doing something really big today. I know that sounds silly because of course relocating a manufacturing facility is a huge undertaking but this feels more meaningful than the physical nature of it. The last few weeks have been some of the most stressful, uncertain and heavy we’re ever experienced as a business. 

There have been several moments over the last few weeks when it would’ve been easier to give up. The hurdles felt too high. The odds felt so stacked against us. We’ve had to draw on reserves I wasn’t sure we had. I was unsure if our emotional, physical or mental well had any more to give. We’ve already given so much. What can we do when there is nothing left?

We keep going. 

We dig past what we thought was the end. We keep moving forward despite our depleted resources. Despite the sacrifices we’ve already made. The reason we can do this, despite all the odds, is because people believe in us as much as we believe in ourselves.

We know that the HUCX prefab building system has the potential to completely disrupt the building industry. This need to improve how houses are built in Australia is what has fueled Matt for the last 10 years to develop the system. To invent something completely new. To risk everything we have to bring the system to market, turn it into a business and make it accessible to families like ours is what we’re going to do. 1000 houses a year remember?

The belief and support of our staff especially, our families, our friends, and our community is the reserve tank. It's where we draw that last bit of strength to keep going. 

Today is testament to that. 

Today we’re not just moving machinery from one expensive slab of concrete to another but we’re entering our next massive phase of growth. And we’re not doing this alone, we do this with the support, generosity and encouragement from every single person we meet. Every single person who has shared our story. Every single person who has given me 5 minutes of their time as I talk 1000 miles an hour about how we’re going to change the world. 

Today, we move forward together. x

Video of the week
What is an InCopy workflow and how does it work. An InCopy InDesign tutorial for Design & Editorial.
Podcast of the week
The Futur: Mastering the LinkedIn Post with Jasmin Alić
Font of the week
Magligna: Font of the week by Valerio Monopoli

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